zondag 2 december 2012

New items!


In the month November I bought alot of new stuf! Well, some are secondhand, but to me they are new!
In my previous post I told you guys about Shikisai Moment and Stacked Rubbisch, but now I have another CD!

The CD is "NIL" by The GazettE, one of my dream-CD's! Again I was searching at Marktplaats for The GazettE stuff, when I saw someone was selling this CD. He/she claimed the CD was in perfect condition, exept for the English-lyrics-book-thingie. I threw quick a e-mail at this seller, and he/she wanted to sell the CD to me, for just 10 euro's!
I couldn't be happier!
The only thing I didn't like; this seller lived too far away from me, so I couldn't pick the CD up! I was scared this seller actually would scam!
A little bit scared I transfered the money to the seller, but quick I got a message that the money was recieved, and the CD would be shipped as fast as possible!
I didn't hear from him/her for almost 2 days!
Normaly someone ships the item when they have recieved the payment, or am I wrong?
Well, it doesn't really matter!

Finally! I got a e-mail back!
The CD was shipped!

I expected the CD to arrive within a week, but it was just one day!
When I brutaly killed the envelope, I saw the CD!
The cover was a little bit scratched, but that didn't matter to me!
When I opened the cover, the CD fell out! I almost got a heartattack!
Also, I noticed scratches on the CD itself, which made me a bit scared. But happily when I put the CD in my CD-Player, it was perfect! No hitches.
*I noticed I used alot of "!", I'm sorry!*

So, I made a few photo's, which I will post in the next post! I'll make a review of the CD~
It may be a second hand, but still XD

Another new item I got is a new iPod! My old iPod suddenly broke down, so I got the newest one!
I will also make a review of the iPod.

It is the iPod 5g, and I'm really proud of it! The iPod 5 is only 4 weeks in store. (I got it at 1 December!)

As said above, a review will come! It isn't a perfect review, because I barely understand computer things!

Thank you for reading, and please forgive my very boring blogpost!

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