woensdag 24 april 2013


Het is mooi weer
De vogeltjes buiten
Ze wassen elke veer
Gewoon, door de snaveltjes te tuiten

Het is mooi weer
Ja, je leest het nog een keer
Vandaag weg geweest op m'n fietsje
Met een stevig briesje

Naar Gouda en weer terug
Man, die stomme wind
Met m'n rugzakje op m'n rug
Kijken of ik de weg weer vind


A short story-thingie by me!

So, I've ordered some t-shirts from the Large, and two CD's!

It took a while for Large to send it to me, because the CD "Tokyo Muzical Hotel" from SuG was out of stock, and had to be ordered again.
But I'm super happy! :D

I can't wait until I can wear the shirts, and I already have listened to the CD's! They are really good!

zondag 21 april 2013

Just a little bit of what I feel now~

I'm falling in a world.
A new world.

I'm alone here.
Nobody is here.

That's a feeling
that I don't feel.

But not in my heart
That's where I carry

They are everything
Everything I need to

That's what I will do
Because I'm


vrijdag 12 april 2013

Two outfit shots, and a drawing timeline! (Picture heavy!)


Here are two of my "outfitshots" from a while ago! I just like the pictures! :)

And here is a drawing timeline from a drawing I made~


 Added green eyes:

Some re-sizing and I was done with this drawing! :)

Thank you for "reading" this picture heavy blogpost, and I hope to see you soon in my next blogpost!

dinsdag 9 april 2013

Just a quick review!

Just a quick review! I know I had to do one about my new iPod, but I forgot!
Instead of my iPod, I'm gonna review another product!

Some of you have noticed on Facebook that I now have a few LUSH products; 3 samples (Northern Lights, Skins Shangri'La and Gorgeous), bit now I actually have a product which isn't a sample! *three yays for me!*

It is called; Bubblegum.
Bubblegum is a lipscrub, which tastes just like bubblegum! And the color! Hot pink!
It tastes, smells and looks like bubblegum! I just loved it at the first sight! But €9,65 for a lipscrub?
I have a kind of phobia for spending a lot of money, so I asked a friend of mine to bring it with her, so I could pay her. This may be weird to you, but for me it is the solution for my phobia!

Smell; ☆☆☆☆
At first I thought the smell was too sweet for my liking. But now I love it!

Color; ☆☆☆☆☆
I mean; come on ! It's pink! No other discription needed!

Taste; ☆☆☆☆☆
I love the taste! Normally I prefer salt over sweet, but this is a exception~

But the most important;
Result of product; ☆☆☆☆☆
It is perfect! Truly perfect! At first I was scared it wouldn't work. But it worked better then I expected! I absolutely love it! Want to buy the popcorn version too! :)

As I wrote above; a friend if mine brought this Bubblegum lipscrub from LUSH with her for me, but also included a small surprise; she made deodorant herself! And gave me a sample of it! I love the smell of it!
Picture time!