I've noticed that the Kamehameha "real life" photo's are populair now! I always enjoy the photo's so much!
But, I forgot I have a Kamehameha "real life" photo too! Made before it was cool!
The photo is made on 31-07-2012, and I found it back. So I decided to photoshop it. I think it turned out really cool!
So. On to the photo's!
This is the original photo:
The photo which Shanine (Naruto) Photoshopped:

The one that I photoshopped:
And another original photo:
My photoshopped version:
The shadows in the last photo really suck! But oh well! I think it is a cool end result!
These aren't really "Kamehameha" photo's, but more like "Raikiri" and "Rasengan" photo's :D
Thank you for reading!